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Over 36 million Americans speak Spanish.

Without prompt language interventions and cultural-friendly care, U.S. Latinos from twenty one countries will continue to experience lesser quality healthcare.

Learn Online at your own pace . . .
Medical Spanish
for Healthcare Givers:

• Medical Receptionists
• Front Office Staff
• Billing Personnel
• Medical Assistants
• Physical Therapists
• Occupational Therapists
• Radiologists
• Lab Technicians
• Nurses
• PA's
• Physicians
• Dentists
• Chiropractors
• Massage Therapists
• Acupuncturists
• Home Health Providers
Healthcare experts agree that Spanish-speaking healthcare professionals are greatly needed due to the rapid growth of the U.S. Latino population, the largest minority population and underrepresented healthcare workforce who receive the worst healthcare due to language and cultural barriers. An estimated 41 million Americans will speak Spanish by 2020 and 132.8 million by 2050.

   Imagine someone working by your side for years who understands your therapeutic patient objectives and creates a tailored Medical Spanish course for you as the most effective language healthcare delivery for your Latino patients. Would it make a difference in your work? Such courses were created by a skilled medical interpreter-educator who worked closely for many years with specialists as their voice, and the voice of work injured Latino patients. Understanding the medical language needs of healthcare givers for effective patient care delivery, he created easy, comprehensive, and progressive Medical Spanish courses for you and Latino patients as a solution to optimum healthcare.

   Our interactive courses teach you to be effective without learning an entire language. Medical Spanish includes directives, job-specific dialogue, functional communication, language short-cuts, medical terminology, anatomy, exercises, language labs, working with Worker's Compensation insured patients, and much more. Help us and other dedicated professionals to bridge the gap for English-speaking healthcare givers, Spanish-speaking patients, and cultural healthcare. Make your job easier, patients happier, and income better. Dare to become a Medical Spanish healthcare professional who cares for Spanish-speaking patients and share with other healthcare givers to make a difference in Latino healthcare. We greatly look forward to your inquiries, learning with you and making a difference together.

Allied Health Professional
Courses will include:

 • Monthly Workshops
 • Online Courses
 • Webinars
 • Student-Centered
    & Self-Paced Learning
 • Interactive Learning
 • Medical Terminology
 • Medical Spanish
 • Online Medical Dictionary
 • Language Resources
 • Certificates of (Completion,
    Training, and Graduation)
 • CEU's; Continuing Education
    Units (upon approval)
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Upcoming Courses

• Front Office Medical Spanish:
   May 2 - 3, 2015
• Physical & Occupational Therapist Medical
   Spanish: MAR. 28 - 29, 2015
• Other courses:

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Make A Difference

Speaking only 25 to 35 sentences in Spanish can improve your job performance, patient confidence, and make a difference by eliminating a national healthcare bias.

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Learn On The Go

With 24/7 access to our web resources and medical dictionary you can learn more and do more from any location.

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Our Team

Our workshops are led by dynamic facilitators who have years of professional experience as skilled educators and medical interpreters with top national language agencies.

Our courses are created to enhance Spanish communication between healthcare professionals and their patients. They are neither for medical treatment nor to replace trained/certified medical interpreters whose services may be legally required by your state.

Contact Us:       336-709-2061 or 336-692-6346